Friday, February 18, 2011

book it.

Did anyone else have the reading campaign "Book It"? You had to read so many books to get a sticker and so many stickers got you a pizza at Pizza Hut. I faked it. I remember reading my mom's Southern Living, but those other goofy books weren't for me. Ha. You couldn't have paid me enough to read those Laura Ingalls Wilder books!
I LOVE the Kindle. Love. It.
We have actually been through three kindles. Can't get enough of the little thing! PK (pre kindle) my lovely husband had books under every piece of furniture and in all the drawers. He is the type of reader who has numerous books going at once. It wasn't pretty. He had 'stories' going on in the bathroom, living room, kitchen, office, lots of stories in the bedroom and even in the CAR! I, on the other hand, like books shaped as magazines. :)
So this post is for him, my loving, book reading husband. (And Jamie Meares.)

The images above are from Pinterest. I absolutely love that site!

And...I kind of think I might sort of want some bangs. Katie's are pretty cute. Don't ya think?


lostwithoutpaint said...

bangs are always hot!

Unknown said...

Such a commitment though! :)

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