The day after Christmas in 2008, Jason and I took a sledge hammer to a wall. I have to emphasize 'A WALL', because that was what were were doing. We were to take out one wall and move it over just a few inches for new washer and dryer that would wash and dry more than a pair of socks and a towel without bouncing all over the place!
The one wall quickly turned into all of the walls! We ended up taking the kitchen all the way down to the studs on all four walls. When my computer crashed I lost all of the photos, but there are some on our
flicker page.
You really need to see the before to appreciate the change. We did move the door, which totally opened the house. We couldn't have maximized the space any better (thanks mom!).
Here are a few after shots:
The pine floors, which we stenciled, were found under ceramic tile and two layers of linoleum. I think they look great!

It is hard to get a good picture of the other side of the kitchen...but you get the idea....Please excuse the two bulbs that are burned out above the refrigerator. :)
If you notice under the microwave there is a little door. Behind that door is our electrical box, and where we keep our broom and vacuum.
To the left of the refrigerator is our NEW WASHER AND DRYER! woot!
TA DA! the big red machines! There are shelves inside the closet, but i thought I'd spare your eyes...it messy in there!
My mom and I found these guys at an Restoration Hardware Clearance Center in Florida. I had some other knobs in mind, but these $2 knobs were a steal and they had just enough for my kitchen. Pre-renovation we had 8 knobs...and after we had some 22 knobs!

Obviously, we didn't start out with the intention of gutting our kitchen, but now after all of the sweat (and tears) we love it!
Au Revoir!